Monday, September 26, 2011

Official poster of Winnie Mandela movie

Here we go again sigh!

I was hoping this movie would get shelved and wouldn't see the light of day. Not because I don't like Jennifer Hudson or Terrance Howard, I think they are wonderful actors. My adverse reaction to this movie is because after seeing the trailer and listening to the horrible quasi South African accents, I couldn't control my gag reflexes.

Hearing Terrance Howard say "amanda" instead of "amandla" almost made my ears bleed! Amandla means power in Xhosa or Zulu and it was used prominently during the anti -apartheid movement. Saying amandla  was the only thing the government couldn't take away from the people in the liberation struggle.Wouldn't it have been just easier to pick a South African actress/actor who intimately understands the culture and heritage and can actually pronounce the words in the local culture?

Since when has Nelson Mandela looked like a light skinned, green eyed brother? Looks aside I am rather unimpressed with the casting choice for this movie. No wonder Winnie Mandela herself is not supporting this flick.

Hollywood please pay attention, stop casting African American actors in lead roles for African movies. The movie cost about $15 million US dollars to create and has no release date in the US.

Will you go if it ever goes into theaters check it out?


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